Monospace and Ubuntu Mono

When trying to set the default font in terminal. There are two 'monospace' fonts that interested me: 1. Ubuntu Mono 2. Monospace. I found Ubuntu Mono in /usr/share/fonts, but I couldn't find the other font 'Monospace' anywhere.

Where can I find it? I'd like to set it as my default font in other linux systems as well.

David Seibert, I cam looking for the 'Monospace' font for exactly the same purpose: patching it for vim-powerline.

Petronilla is correct in stating that there is no explicit font called 'Monospace' which is why it is not in the list of fonts returned by

find /usr/share/fonts -iname '*monospace*'

You can poke around in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf or the various configs in /etc/fonts/conf.d/ but it will be very hard to figure out which font is exactly aliased to 'Monospace'. Easiest thing to do is

fc-match monospace

which on my 12.04 Ubuntu machine returns

DroidSansMono.ttf: "Droid Sans Mono" "Regular"

So now the mystery is solved :)

There is no Monospace font. The Monospace that is listed in Terminal is in reality Ubuntu Monospace. In Terminal it is simply referenced as Monospace. You can compare the fonts at