Can I safely remove Banshee?

Solution 1:

Yes, you can remove it via the Ubuntu Software Centre, or if you prefer, via the command line:

sudo apt-get remove banshee

In Ubuntu, you can remove almost any software you don't like without encountering issues.

Solution 2:

Banshee is just an application in the Ubuntu system, so removing it will not cause a problem. you can issue the command:

sudo apt-get remove banshee     

This will uninstall the program. However, the "remove" command still leaves your configuration files for most apps. If you want to truly remove it, where there will be no traces on your system you can issue the "purge" command. This would be done by issuing:

sudo apt-get purge banshee

Lastly the app Clementine will automatically put give itself a indicator applet for you to use.