Bash - Run 'chage' Command Against Each User Account

The literal answer to your question:

users=$(awk -F: '{ print $1}' /etc/passwd)

for value in $users
      echo $value
      chage -l $value
      echo "....."
      echo ""

should generate output in the form of

Last Password Change:    1/2/34
Password Expires:        1/2/34
Password Inactive:       1/2/34

Last Password Change:    1/2/34
Password Expires:        1/2/34
Password Inactive:       1/2/34

Note that the source of the information chage displays is encoded in the fields of the /etc/shadow file (expressed as the number of days since Jan 1, 1970) .
Parsing that file directly might be significantly more efficient than using chage and/or other tools that convert those fields to human readable output and parsing that.