PuTTY use agent forwarding for chain of servers

Solution 1:

Since $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set, its likely either a problem with putty/pagent, or sshd itself.

You can put sshd into debug mode easily enough. Log into the server (this can be safely done over ssh, as long as you remember to restart sshd after you are done) and stop sshd (via your init scripts). Then run:

/usr/sbin/sshd -Dddd

(-D for foreground mode, -ddd for verbose debugging)

Try to connect via putty again, and watch the output from sshd. If putty is sending the keys for agent forwarding, you should see something about [email protected]. If you don't see that, then putty is not properly sending the key along for agent forwarding/requesting agent forwarding.

That should narrow down where the issue lies. You can also run 'ssh -vvv' from host1 for verbose debugging output while trying to ssh to host2.

(At this point, please remember to ctrl+C the foreground sshd process and restart it from your init scripts, otherwise you'll be locked out of your server!)

Solution 2:

The problem was in screen application. It was started by PuTTY on remove host with screen -d -RR(Connection/SSH/Remote Command). I found solution here and slightly modified it:


# Correct screen and tmux behavior with ssh-agent
parent="$(ps -o comm --no-headers $PPID)"

case $parent in
        touch $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars
        chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars
        for i in $keep_vars; do
                 (eval echo export $i=\\\'\$$i\\\')
        done > $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars
        source $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars
# This command must be run from shell within detached and re-attached screen session
# to interact with ssh-agent properly
alias fixssh="source $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars"
alias ssh="source $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars; ssh"

Every time I connect, ssh agent variables are stored in $HOME/.ssh/keep_vars. Every newly opened window in screen can immediately connect to other machines with my key - it receive proper variables from screen. In old windows, I need to type fixssh and then try connecting.