I'm trying to install a hotfix for SQL Server 2008 and failing on the Rule Check with "Setup account privileges" failed.

I am running SQL Server 2008 Standard on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Searching on Google basically led to these 2 links:

  • http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2000257
  • http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/2fb8b309-e205-4362-9345-75fe4a13fc92/rule-setup-account-privileges-failed-on-sql-server-2008-sp-3?forum=sqlsetupandupgrade

My account is included in the Manage auditing and security log policy setting (as well as the others that the article listed). After adding my account to the policy, I ran gpupdate /force. I also logged off and logged back in.

I am using the local Administrator account. I am NOT on a domain. I used accesschk.exe and SeSecurityPrivilege is NOT listed. I used PowerShell whoami /priv and SeSecurityPrivilege is listed but is set to "Disabled".

Does anyone know how to "Enable" this privilege?

Solution 1:

So I was able to get pass the SQL Server Rule Check phase. I had to add the individual administrator account to the following policy settings:

  • Back up files and directories
  • Debug Programs
  • Manage auditing and Security log
  • Restore files and directories
  • Take ownership of files or other objects

It didn't matter that I was a member of the Administrators group and that the Administrators group was included in those settings. I had to explicitly add the individual user account. I ran gpupdate /force. Then I logged off and logged back in. Then I was able to install the hotfix.

But even after all that, when I ran the PowerShell whoami /priv command, the SeSecurityPrivilege still showed "Disabled". So I guess that didn't really matter.