Is it possible to transfer/share a disk from a spot vm to a regular vm in Azure?

I have a spot vm on Azure that I set up for testing a game server but the eviction/deallocation is really annoying when I'm in the middle of setup. Is it possible to transfer over the OS and Storage disks to another normal VM while I do my setup work and then switch back later? Is it possible for 2 VMs to share these disks simulataneously?

Yes, you can transfer a disk between machines. For an OS disk you would need to delete the VM currently using it (but preserve the disk) and create a new VM from an existing disk as demonstrated here.

For a data disk you can detach it from the old VM and attach it to the new.

VM's can't share OS disks. It is possible to share a data disk using Azure Shared Disks but this has strict requirements for use.