How does the A record change over time by running a DNS query? [closed]

I am running a DNS query on using Google's public resolver @ using the mac terminal. I have to get the A records for the host and run the query a couple of times to notice any change to the A records.

dig @ 

I've run the query about 10 times but I see nothing new happening. However, since the question asks for describing the change, I feel like I'm doing something wrong here.

Since you didn't post any output to your command I'll show the answer section of two subsequent queries:  21297   IN  CNAME 57      IN  A

and  21181   IN  CNAME 157     IN  A

Notice that they are NOT identical. 4 of the 5 fields appear static, but one is definitely changing.

An DNS answer section looks like:

 <name> <TTL> <class> <type> <record data> 

Finding the reason for the different TTL values is probably your homework assignment.


  1. Investigate what a TTL is supposed to mean for DNS records and caching them.

  2. You should learn why my example with a second query showing a higher, rather than a lower TTL value in the second response from caching/recursive nameserver is a-typical.

  3. What can you infer from the fact that a TTL value increases between subsequent queries?

Answer 3: With big public resolver like Google's your subsequent queries won't be answered by a single server, but each query will most likely be answered by a different, random server from much larger cluster/pool.

Why would you think that the records should change? An A-record should be static if nothing in the underlying infrastructure changes which would mandate an record update. is on the other hand a CNAME for, which would imply that the site is behind a CDN (Content Distribution Network) of some sort, which means that you'd always get an answer pointing to the server "closest" to you, using some technology and some definition of "closest". This might change from time to time if you query it multiple times.