How to properly say that a given day/date does not exist?

"The specified date is invalid." is not only valid, but quite common.

If you want to avoid "sounding like a robot", then you could take the invalid date in question and produce a sentence like:

There is no 31st of April.

There is no 29th of February in 2013.

"The specified date is invalid" will be perfectly well understood by essentially everyone who encounters it as a website error message.

You'd probably get good understanding with the unusual but brief and informative

  • No such day in calendar

If you wanted to be complete and/or pedantic you could say

  • xxx is not a valid date

where xxx is the user input data.

This carries a very slightly stronger suggestion that what is wrong is the formatting or genuine-date nature of the entry.
Without this the entry could be a properly formatted date entry and refer to a real-world day but still be "invalid". For example,

Departure date ? : 11/11/2013 Return date ? : 12/12/2012 -> The specified date is invalid (Because return is before departure)

Date of birth ? : 11/11/1812 -> The specific date is invalid (Because not even I am that old)

Even the above is not an absolute statement about date formatting or real-world date being invalid, but making this certain would require a much more complex and pedantic sentence, which is not justified or useful in the context of an error message.