What does "new normal" mean?

Solution 1:

Ah, it's an instantiation of the "X is the new Y" snowclone (also see here and here), like "pink is the new red" or "ugly is the new cute" or "Google is the new Microsoft". It means (to claim) that AD&SOA, or whatever they represent, are now so common that they're normal now, and constitute the new (normal) state of the world.

Solution 2:

I believe in that context it means that AD and SOA are now ubiquitous and essential that they became the normal method of software development.
The way it's worded suggests that the word normal should be changed to AD and SOA, which is an exaggeration of how essential they are.

Yet, being a software developer myself, I think, in my opinion, the fact is a bit too exaggerated =)