How to install an application on a windows server, available to any user in domain on any computer in domain? [closed]

I have 5 workstations joint to a domain. The DC is running a Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition and an Active Directory Domain Controller, and a DNS is configured.

I have 20 different users with different privilege levels. For storage saving, is it possible to install the required application (which is a standard win32 application) on the server in a way that is accessible to all authenticated domain users?

What procedures should I proceed with step-by-step, please?

Please take note of the above comment by Keltari about installing software on a DC. I also recommend installing it on another Windows Server computer.

The mechanism I used in the past was RemoteApp. You may see a detailed writeup in the article
Step by Step How to Deploy RemoteApp in Windows Server 2016.

I have never used it on Windows Server 2019, so I don't know how well it works. According to reports (example), it may not work too well on Windows Server 2019 Essentials (this version has been so reduced as to be not very usable), the Standard version is recommended.