How to do an inverse search in Vim? (i.e., get lines not containing pattern)


matches all the lines were pattern is found.


does the opposite. See :h global for more details.

You can use it like this:

:v/pattern/norm Ipattern not found - <CR>

to prepend "pattern not found - " to every line that doesn't have "pattern" or


to replace "nrettap" with "pattern" on every line that doesn't have "pattern".

Contrived examples, yes.

To search for the lines not containing foo, for example, do:



Using the :v commandEdit The traditional approach to find lines not matching a pattern is using the :v command:


A neat trick when working with a large log file where you want to filter out as many irrelevant lines as possible before you get started on your real search is to save the file under a temporary name and delete all non-matching lines there:

:sav junk.log

You are now are editing a clone of your original file with all lines not matching "warning" removed and you can edit it at will.
