New posts in xorg

What is the function of the modifier keys in xmodmap?

How do I get my extra monitors working again?

How do I open chromium full screen?

Workarounds for mouse pointer visibility in screen sharing sessions?

using a second computer as a mere screen/monitor in X (VNC?)

sudo + x11 application does not work correctly

Linux Mint fails to start X automatically after update, but X still works

XInput Coordinate Transformation Matrix in xorg.conf

VertTwoFingerScroll and VertEdgeScroll not settable via xorg.conf

Ubuntu 11.10 nvidia module failed to load (no module exists)

How do I specify an IPv6 address in the X Window DISPLAY variable?

Ubuntu 14.04 Unknown Display

14.10 Dual Monitors are displayed as distorted single screen mode

Synaptics Touchpad scroll not working

Mouse pointer doesn't change shape depending on hovered elements

How to do GIF animations for instructions and learning purposes over GUI? [duplicate]

Crash when toggling off CAPS LOCK

Can't get Google Chrome to X11 forward but Firefox does

Where do I set the Caps Lock key behaviour?

Linux, changing the default FN-key functionality in xorg (key-bindings?)