New posts in xorg

Use 3 monitors w/built-in intel adapter + two old nvidia PCI cards on 10.10?

enable X display access for local user

How to upgrade from xserver-xorg-lts-saucy to xserver-xorg-lts-trusty

Making custom synaptics touchpad config persistent not working

How to make terminal bell play an alert sound without PC speaker?

how to restore default graphic driver configuration

Is there a GUI in xorg for changing the video driver?

Accessing a specific URL with firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu 10.4 crashed the OS, how should I debug this?

Steam crashes on 21.04

Is it safe to run a GUI program as another user?

`startx` fails. could not find module by name='nvidia_304'

18.04: Why both Xorg and Xwayland?

how to force DPI settings in Xenial?

nvidia-settings makes one of my dual monitors grey and useless, disables network

AMD and NVIDIA GPUs together on Ubuntu 20.04

Configure '50-synaptics.conf' for kinetic scrolling?

No way to create second X screen assigned to second graphics card

Start a second X session with different resolution and sound

how do you permanently disable the screen saver in Xvfb?

What should my $DISPLAY variable be and why is it not set?