Making custom synaptics touchpad config persistent not working

I tried all from above, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-synaptics.conf, just /etc/X11/xorg.conf, startup-command in either xfce or mate and even startup-script with 10 seconds delay and then execute synclient-commands in a loop or without a loop. Nothing worked. Only thing I couldn't try was to set it via gsettings because I didn't find any touchpad settings there.

Working Solution for me was: Just adding the synclient command at the end of ~/.bashrc So in your case, just add:

synclient RightButtonAreaLeft=0 RightButtonAreaTop=0 ClickTime=20 AccelFactor=0.3 MaxSpeed=2.5 PalmDetect=1 VertTwoFingerScroll=1 HorizTwoFingerScroll=1 VertEdgeScroll=0 HorizEdgeScroll=0

Probably, adding it to ~/.xinit will do the same :) (adding it to .bashrc won't make an effect before you either re-login or execute source ~/.bashrc)

I know, bashrc is not the place where synclient settings should be stored, but after spending hours on this issue it is the only working solution for me and I'm not having any side effects.