New posts in writing

Is the double "do" in the expression "If I do do it" more acceptable in spoken vs. written English? [closed]

What did Old English writing (letters and formatting) typically look like?

"By the way" in formal writing

What do you call a slip of the tongue in writing?

What do all capital letters typically refer to in writing?

What does "voice" mean in the context of written language?

Can you use "(sic)" in other contexts?

How do I emphasize a word using the standard punctuation system?

Are contractions like "didn't" forbidden in written English? [duplicate]

Is an indentation needed for a new paragraph?

Tenses to use when writing minutes

Usage of "just", "only" and word-order [intended meaning]

What's the correct way to format a date range, time range, and days of week in a single line? [closed]

What are the uses of ellipses in essays? [closed]

Does this parallel structure need coordinated prepositions to avoid being a faulty parallelism?

What is the origin / reason for adding asterisks within swear words like f**k?

Turn "in to" or "into" a lonely lane?

How to write date range succinctly and unambiguously in American written English?

Did the Tironian "et" ("⁊") have any impact on the ampersand being shift + 7 on English keyboards? [closed]

Is it normal in English to talk about oneself in the third person in these cases?