What are the uses of ellipses in essays? [closed]
I’m wondering about how ellipses are used in essays. Are there any examples that I could see?
There are two types of ellipsis (examples from The Cambridge Guide to English Usage):
Ellipsis in the grammar of a sentence
They took glasses from the bar and [they took] plates from the tables.
Ellipsis in punctuation
He wanted no more of it . . . But having said that . . .
When I quote a long passage I might elide some irrelevant parts, and in their place I put ellipses.
For example,
When I quote a long passage, like when I quote from an old email or when I quote from a taxation bill to illustrate a nuanced legal point, I might elide some irrelevant parts, and in their place I put ellipses.
When I quote a long passage ... I might elide some irrelevant parts, and in their place I put ellipses.