New posts in word-usage

Guideline(s) vs rule(s)

Same day vs Same date [closed]

Can you describe a person with a nonterminal medical condition as "nonterminal"? [closed]

verbs ending in -en

The use of the word "closet"

What is the connotation of slumber?

Which is the correct usage - " the line is breaking off " or " the line is breaking up"?

Words to Differentiate Meeting Format from Meeting Structure?

The noun "floor" is countable, is it not?

Should I use in or within in the following sentence?

Meaning of “hoodwink” in a 1796 passage [closed]

Does "triple-degree heat" mean the same as "triple-digit heat"?

In this case synonyms [closed]

Say to Somebody about Something vs Tell Somebody about Something

Do people actually address their male child "Son" rather than a name, in real life English, or is this mainly a written English usage?

Term related to "race-baiting"

If someone pleads guilty to a crime, can they be described as "convicted"?

When there is an "on" after touch?

Euphemism antonym

When to use "That" instead of "The"?