Words to Differentiate Meeting Format from Meeting Structure?

I would call your first document a charter and the second an agenda (with agenda already having been noted by John Feltz and others).

When organizations establish (charter!) committees, they typically write charters for those committees. In addition to the items you've mentioned (how frequently we meet, where we meet, what time we meet, with whom we meet, etc.), charters often contain items such as the following:

  • purpose

  • to whom the committee reports

  • membership [who appoints members, including chair and vice-chair (or equivalent); ex officio members; qualifications of members (sometimes), etc.]

  • term limits

  • responsibilities/duties

  • voting

  • quorum

  • rules of order

  • minutes (your "whether or not we should take notes")

  • administrative support

Your second document is what I would call the standard agenda. Of the elements you specify:

  • Points to cover: these are agenda items

  • Order of discussions: agenda items are listed in order

  • Fixed tasks at the end of the meeting: also agenda items

  • Whether notes should be taken: that's not part of the agenda, it should go in your other document.


a list or outline of things to be considered or done