New posts in word-choice

"private reason" vs "personal reason"

What's the difference between "licensing" and "licensure?"

Does "trial" collocate with the verbs "win" and "lose": can you "win/lose a trial"?

Is there a word for someone who forgets people's names?

What is a word that describes a belief (or nonbelief) in an afterlife? [closed]

The English word "and" [duplicate]

Is 'e.g.,' or 'e.g.' correct? [duplicate]

"Screw[ed] it," vs "screw[ed] it up," vs "screw[ed] up."

"In accordance to the rule" and "in accordance with the rule"

'Catalyst for' vs 'catalyst to'

What is a word that describes a person who takes up a challenge

What is the proper word?

Word for the removal of a marked property [closed]

What's the difference between "stay the night," "sleep over" and "stay for the night"?

Correct use of hyphenation with multi-word noun and adjective [duplicate]

Usage of neither/nor vs none

Equivalent for French "compromission"?

Capitalising Names of Industries

What is a term for something unwanted but which cannot be ignored?

should we use banned instead of banning? what's incorrect in this sentence? [closed]