New posts in vocabulary

What's a word for someone who wants to voice opinions but not have them challenged?

How do I say whether or not a number was pronounced like a telephone number (or zip code). Are there words for this?

Why are certain competitions called a "Classic?"

A (highfalutin) word for a highfalutin word? [duplicate]

What is the collective noun for a collection of collective nouns? [closed]

What to call the large containers of bottled water?

Meaning of the word prospect [closed]

Word for something that can be obsolete in the future, obsolete-able

A critical situation in which no trick works?

Is [Its'] a word? (Note the apostrophe at the end.)

What's "nutty" about fruit and cake?

Is "alien" offensive?

When should I use archaic and obsolete words?

Right word for repeating something several times to make one believe that the thing is true [closed]

What is a word for a man who has a lot of sexual relationships?

A word for someone who gets scared easily

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon: Is there a name for this kind of punny transference?

A word that refers to a "half-smile"?

Meaning of mount in software engineering [closed]

Why aren’t Tom, Jake, and Jen­ny look­ing for­ward to Thanks­giv­ing?