New posts in visual-studio-2012

vstest.executionengine.x86.exe not closing

Select All distinct values in a column using LINQ

TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server <Server/CollectionName> in Visual Studio 2012

How to tell ReSharper to sort usings with system namespaces NOT at the top?

Exclude comments when searching in Visual Studio

Getting an array of bytes out of Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer

Wait on the Database Engine recovery handle failed. Check the SQL server error log for potential causes

Why does it take sooo long to load my solution in Visual Studio?

Strange std::map behaviour

How to set permanent Zoom factor in Visual Studio Editor 2012 tabs

SQL Server 2012 installation Reporting Services Catalog error

Use Visual Studio 2012 and compile with older platform toolset?

How to profile unit tests in Visual Studio 2012?

using statement FileStream and / or StreamReader - Visual Studio 2012 Warnings

Let Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 open files to the right instead of to the left

How to update TFS workspace after computer name changes?

.NET Framework 4.0 Targeting Pack does not show in Visual Studio

Is Visual Studio 2012 csproj backward compatible with 2010?

How can I trim trailing whitespace in Visual Studio 2012 on save?

Disable XAML UI designer