How to update TFS workspace after computer name changes?

I installed Sidekicks. It did not work for this issue, but this did:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE>tf workspaces /updateComputerName:OldComputerName /s:"https://tfsServerName"

  1. Install Team Foundation Sidekicks. It's free.
  2. Open the Workspace Sidekick, click Search, and select your workspace from the list.
  3. Click the blue computer icon to Update Workspace Computer Name and you're done.

I had the same issue, also a account.

I've tried what the prompt told me :

enter image description here

Like so :

tf workspaces /updateComputerName:MyOldComputerName

but I got back :

The /collection option must be specified whenever /updateComputerName or /updateUserName is specified.

In order to get the collection name I ran :

tf workspaces

which listed my collections and I got the name of my collection (

Then I ran :

tf workspaces /collection: /updateComputerName:MyOldComputerName

Didn't work as I got this:

TF31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server: http://myusername.visuals Team Foundation Server Url:

Possible reasons for failure include: - The name, port number, or protocol for the Team Foundation Server is incorrect - The Team Foundation Server is offline. - The password has expired or is incorrect.

Technical information (for administrator): The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Then I noticed that I've typed http instead of https, corrected, retried and it worked!


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE>

run in CMD as admin this command

tf workspaces /collection: /updateComputerName:OLD_COMPUTER_NAME

To get this to work in Visual Studio 2017 use the following (new location)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe workspaces /collection: /updateComputerName:OLD-COMPUTERNAME

Hope this saves someone some time!