New posts in virtualization

"live" mirror of HA VM cluster?

Unable to Remove Virtualbox-6.1

Virtualizing Solaris 10?

How to find out if a Solaris machine is virtualized or not?

Different ways to shut down a system

How to run Ubuntu 16.04 ARM in QEMU?

Parallels - Can I have a keyboard shortcut for the context-menu key found on Wintel hardware?

How to identify that you're running under a VM?

Windows 7 x64 - free virtual machine host applications running headless

Is it recommended to run a firewall/router on a virtual machine?

How do I deploy a virtualized server on a headless machine running 12.04 Server?

What's the point of running a virtual instance?

How can a program detect that Ubuntu is running as a virtual machine?

How to set up dynamic screen sizing for a qemu windows 10 guest on ubuntu 18.04?

KVM / QEMU / VMM : local host not connected

launch a VM on Ubuntu

Unable to connect to libvirt. (xubuntu)

64-bit only future and virtual machines

Can I virtualize a pre-installed Windows 7?

Why is Virtual PC being bundled with Windows 7 significant? [closed]