New posts in video-conversion

Batch Convert .mkv to .mp4

Extracting every frame from video file as image in OS X

Converting png files to a movie?

Why is encoding VP8/9 so slow compared to H.264?

How to make an MPEG2 video file with the highest quality possible using FFMPEG?

How to convert MP3 to YouTube-allowed video format?

Converting home video tape to digital? [duplicate]

FFmpeg split video and merge back

What file extensions does ffmpeg support?

Convert a video to a fixed screen size by cropping and resizing

How to change the framerate of a video without reencoding

How does bitrate differ for the same resolution and framerate?

FFmpeg/avidemux: fix packed B-frames

FFMPEG - Convert a video to a timelapse

What's the difference between FFmpeg's "-vcodec copy" and "-sameq"?

How to generate a MOV-file from PNG images?

How do I convert webm to mp4 for MacOSX?

Convert AVI into H.264 that works inside an HTML5 Video tag

Converting .mov files to .mp4 using FFmpeg

WinFF (FFMPEG): Unknown encoder 'libvo_aacenc'