New posts in video-conversion

FFMpeg No such file or directory

Software for converting mp4 files from 720p to 480p

How can I check the integrity of an avi file and repair it automatically in Linux?

VLC could not open the mp4a audio encoder

ffmpeg: Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: h264) unspecified size

FFMPEG: Windows binaries with globbing (libavformat) support?

Converting images into video

Rip CD/DVD with ffmpeg

How do I reduce the file size of videos?

Using ffmpeg to denoise (reduce film grain)

Is there a possibility for a batch conversion of video files (different formats) and delete metadata with ffmpeg?

Using ffmpeg to make a movie from png files

What H.264/H.265 video compression parameters provide DVD-equivalent quality with better compression?

How to see what command-line options handbrake sends to mencoder

Fix an m4v video that has lagging audio (audio and video out of sync)

ffplay - how to play together separate video and audio files

Can VLC crop black borders on the fly?

Turning a 5.1 .mkv into 2.0 or 2.1

How to reduce the size of a 1080p mp4 vid file by downsizing to 480p mp4 format, using ffmpeg

Why is converting WMV to MP4 so slow?