New posts in vector-spaces

If a symmetric matrix commutes with all symmetric matrices, is it then a multiple of the identity?

Bounded linear functionals, normed vector space proof

Prove that a linear subspace of $C([0,1])$ is closed

Is there a semi-norm that respects matrix similitary?

square root of $1/2 + \sqrt3/2?$

Why define vector spaces over fields instead of a PID?

Axiomatization of angle measuring in real vector spaces

Does existence of a non-continuous linear functional depend on Axiom of Choice?

Epic morphisms in the category of vector spaces. Is AC needed?

Show that the dual space of the vector space of all polynomials is isomorphic to the infinite-dimensional Euclidean vector space over the reals

What is (fundamentally) a coordinate system ?

Cosine similarity vs angular distance

"Non-linear" algebra

If $\ker f\subset \ker g$ where $f,g $ are non-zero linear functionals then show that $f=cg$ for some $c\in F$.

Dimension of R over Q without cardinality argument. [duplicate]

Why is the basis for the column space of a matrix $A$ merely the columns that which have pivots in $\operatorname{rref}(A)$?

What is the norm measuring in function spaces

Direct sum and determinant

Why can a vector from an infinite-dimensional vector space be written as finite linear combination?

Writing a vector space as a direct product of T-irreducible subspaces