New posts in variadic-functions

How to handle java variable length arguments in clojure?

How are variable arguments implemented in gcc?

What is the format of the x86_64 va_list structure?

Java "params" in method signature?

What is the meaning of "... ..." token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack

Java unchecked: unchecked generic array creation for varargs parameter

bug with varargs and overloading?

What is the purpose of the h and hh modifiers for printf?

varargs and the '...' argument

call printf using va_list

Calling Java varargs method with single null argument?

Why does printf() promote a float to a double?

What is the point of overloaded Convenience Factory Methods for Collections in Java 9

trailing return type using decltype with a variadic template function

How to pass variable number of arguments to a PHP function

An example of use of varargs in C

Java variable number or arguments for a method

How to pass variable number of arguments to printf/sprintf

How do I define Lisp’s apply in Haskell?

How to properly match varargs in Mockito