New posts in variadic-functions

How to get a leading zero?

Ambiguous overloaded java methods with generics and varargs

Error with varargs for function-objects in Scala?

Populating a va_list

What is the type of a variable-length argument list in Scala?

Java varargs method param list vs. array

Using varargs from Scala

Variable arguments in C, how to get values with a generic type?

Unspecified number of parameters in C functions - void foo()

Varargs to ArrayList problem in Java

How to pass variable length arguments as arguments on another function in Golang?

scala: How to pass an expanded list as varargs into a method?

how to pass variable arguments to another method?

Variable number of parameters in function in C++

Is GCC mishandling a pointer to a va_list passed to a function?

Are there gotchas using varargs with reference parameters

What exactly is va_end for? Is it always necessary to call it?

Use of variable arguments (dot-dot-dot) in stats::lm in R [duplicate]

How can I create a function with a variable number of arguments?

Passing a List in as varargs [duplicate]