New posts in utf-8

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

How to make UltraEdit save in UTF-8 without the byte order mark (BOM)?

Convert latin1 characters on a UTF8 table into UTF8

Ruby on Rails "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" due to bot

Isn’t on big endian machines UTF-8's byte order different than on little endian machines? So why then doesn’t UTF-8 require a BOM?

How to go to the n'th character, not byte, of a file?

JPA utf-8 characters not persisted

IntelliJ IDEA incorrect encoding in console output

hash unicode string in python

How to convert all characters to their html entity equivalent using PHP

'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 4276: invalid start byte

Using UTF-8 in the /etc/passwd file. Any known issues?

How to print UTF-8 strings to std::cout on Windows?

PHP json_encode json_decode UTF-8

How do I detect if have to apply UTF-8 decode or encode on a string?

Bytes in a unicode Python string

UTF8 character decoding in Objective C

How to replace special characters with gsub in R?

Convert non-ASCII chars from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8

How to check if letter is upper or lower in PHP?