New posts in updates

Updates still coming in even after Firefox purged [duplicate]

How to update Postman Linux

How to update kernel in Ubuntu 16.04?

Ubuntu 16.04 apt-get update fails with local repository

Applications requiring JRE not starting

Why doesn't "Software Updater" update all software? [duplicate]

dpkg error on terminal

After system update, screen size very small

problem with update

Is it risky to update my Linux Kernel to latest stable version when running Ubuntu?

MS Security Essentials does not update automatically

OS X: why Software Update suggests to update removed application?

`sudo apt autoremove` suggests removing large package

How to hide unwanted updates?

Why does it take so much time for Ubuntu to update to a new version of Firefox

How do I enable automatic updates of all packages?

Ubuntu 16.04 not bootable after system update

GRUB rescue returns unknown filesystem after Windows update [duplicate]

dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/cuda-cublas-9-1_9.1.85.3-1_amd64.deb (--unpack) [duplicate]

Why are my Xcode plugins (such as clang format) installed with Alcatraz no longer working after updating to new version of Xcode?