After system update, screen size very small

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem when I tried to remove my nVidia drivers.

You need to re-install ubuntu-desktop to get your normal screen back.

Refer here for complete information : How can I uninstall a nvidia driver completely ?

Solution 2:

You could also check out xrandr.

With no option gives you a list of available defaults.

Update with i.e.:

xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080

Solution 3:

Epilogue: Since it all seems to be working now, I should share what I did. Probably not the best way, but since I'm a newb I just went with what I can find. :)

  1. Downloaded latest driver for 64bit / Linux from nVidia site
  2. Download and install linux-headers-3.5.0-19-generic
  3. Open terminal, change directory to where the .run from nvidia is downloaded
  4. In terminal chmod +x ... the nvidia .run file
  5. Reboot into recovery and login to recovery terminal
  6. Run this command so nVidia script can write to stuff sudo mount -o remount,rw /
  7. Run the nVidia script itself sudo sh ./NVIDIA-...
  8. Ignore the first "... script failed..." error. Select option to allow it to blacklist, mostly "yes", "agree", etc.

I think that's everything. I didn't think of this, but had I not had the shortcut on my desktop to get to terminal, I could have just rebooted into recovery mode to get the terminal and while googling found a hotkey to get there too (CTRL + ALT + F1?).

After this everything seems to be working. I used sudo nvidia-settings from terminal to rearrange the physical location of my monitors properly.

EDIT: This happened again after I updated my system...

I ran this command that I found here:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

...and then basically repeated the entire process.