New posts in unity

How to disable animations to speed up screen updating in Virtual environment

How do I increase the font size in Dash?

Software updater doesn't display Ubuntu 14.04

Hiding an application from switcher (alt+tab)

command line for hiding and unhiding unity panel

Turn off SUPER key during fullscreen apps

How do I enable the 3D Cube so I can use it in Unity? [duplicate]

Ubuntu 16.04 tile windows no longer working

How can I get System Monitor Indicator to display temperature?

Ubuntu 14.04 mouse and window focus issues

Are there any tiling window managers compatible with Unity3D?

Does Unity 2d use fewer system resources than Unity 3d?

Will Unity become themeable? [closed]

Is it possible to temporarily disable notifications?

Can the Unity dash search for content within files?

Force Alt + Tab switcher to display applications from active workspace [duplicate]

Dolphin does not show thumbnails

How do I always show the launcher (i.e. disable the auto-hide functionality)? [closed]

How do I restart Unity 2D

Hidden files are shown in Dash