New posts in animations

How do I get the window jelly effect? [duplicate]

Compiz extra animations download Ubuntu 14.04 not working ( burning animations ETC) [duplicate]

How to disable window effects in 15.04?

Which free software can you use to create rotating 3D Spacefill models of molecules in .gif format?

How to disable the hide window animation

Any whiteboard animation software for Ubuntu or Linux?

How to disable animations in Ubuntu 13.04

How to create a rotation animation using shell script?

Minimize window with Docky conflicts with Unity

How to disable animations to speed up screen updating in Virtual environment

Is there animation software available?

How do I change the speed of the app drawer appearing?

Faster app menu in Ubuntu 18.04

Disable animations when opening applications

How do I turn off Gnome Shell Activities Animations?

Is there a pdf reader that displays animations?

What's a good 2D animation program (an alternative for e.g. Flash CS)?

Why do I get a train when I run 'ls'?

Turning off the transition animation when changing workspaces in Compiz (GNOME2/UNITY)

How to disable all Unity animations?