Turning off the transition animation when changing workspaces in Compiz (GNOME2/UNITY)

To change the animation you will need CompizConfig settings manager

To install it:

apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

or via Ubuntu Software Center.

Open CompizConfig settings manager.

Under DesktopDesktop WallViewport switching set Wall sliding duration to 0.

for Ubuntu 18.04 I use this, you just need to install the gnome-shell extension (for either chrome, firefox) and then


If it is reasonable to turn off all Gnome animations, the following works on Ubuntu 21.10:

Install Gnome Tweaks: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Tweaks (edit: search for and install "Tweaks" in the "Ubuntu Software" app, OR install the "gnome-tweaks" package using the APT command line.)

General > Animations > (turn off the switch)