New posts in unity

File / Application association using a custom command is gone?

Low resolution icons in the application switcher

Launcher icon (to start a script) keeps blinking and is unresponsive for seven seconds, how can I solve it?

Developing Unity compliant apps in Python - where to start?

Ubuntu 14.04 Calculator does not get focus when opened from keyboard shortcut

How to change mapping for the «PowerOff» key on keyboard?

How do I get the value of Display -> "Scale for menu and title bars:" from the command line?

Open minimized nautilus window and not open home in launcher

How can I show an icon in the panel if (and while) a certain process is running?

How do I unbind Ctrl-Alt-T?

How do I customize the launcher animations?

How can I auto-hide the launcher via a script, when I maximize the browser?

What's going to happen to the Unity desktop environment and default Ubuntu version?

tortoisegit for ubuntu

How to do super w show open apps of all workspaces? [duplicate]

How can I edit the quicklists via GUI?

How do I stop Unity from starting windows maximised?

How do I show the Applications Lens By Default?

Launcher icons invisible, still work in 12.04

Duplicate (Spotify) Icon in launcher