How do I unbind Ctrl-Alt-T?

After I've upgraded to 12.04, I cannot unbind Ctrl+Alt+T from launching gnome-terminal anymore. I've tried disabling it completely and assigning it to another shortcut in [System Settings -> Keyboard] - nothing helps, Ctrl+Alt+T still launches terminal. Any ideas how to get rid of it?

BTW, this breaks Ctrl+Alt+T in gnome-terminal itself, which is supposed to open new tab, but instead fires up new window.

Also, on a side-topic. This "shortcut hell" has been a problem since introduction of unity. Shortcuts are now configured in two different places. Every release they add/delete/change shortcuts - so I basically have to go and figure out how to disable/remap the ones that I use in my IDE. Now, it seems, you can't disable them completely (e.g. Alt + `) and have to override with another shortcut to unbind the default one.

What I'm really trying to ask here - does anyone know if there is a launchpad bug to fix this kind of behaviour, so I can vote \ track it? Or should I just create new one and see what happens?

Solution 1:

I found this to work for me to disable to keyboard shortcut for running a terminal:

  • Press the super key to start a search
  • Search for Configuration Editor and select that application
  • Drill down the following: apps >> metacity >> global_keybindings
  • Scroll down until you see run_command_terminal
  • You can remove or type in the word disabled to the right of run_command_terminal
  • Press the red 'X' at the top of the Configuration Editor application
  • Verify the save by going into: System Settings >> Keyboard >> Shortcuts

Pictures of what it should look like in both the Configuration Editor and System Settings area. Hope this helps!

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 2:

On current Ubuntu metacity is no longer the default window manager, so the accepted solution no longer works. Instead there's a different setting that you can change. Set the key combination to an empty array.

In a terminal:

gsettings set terminal '[]'

To undo the change again

gsettings reset terminal 

In case this changes again, I found this by looking for all settings that mention "terminal"

gsettings list-recursively | grep terminal

I had this problem because it interferes with an Emacs keybinding to transpose sexps.

Solution 3:

Alepar: Look into "Custom Shortcuts" in Settings/Keyboard (seen in the ruffEdgz' answer). I had the same problem; I could not remove the custom shortcut, but it was possible to rebind it so that it did not interfere with the IDE.