New posts in unity-dash

How do I change the shortcut-key of show the unity dash?

How to display Dash Home by keyboard shortcut

How can I delete the command line history from the dash?

Shouldn't Unity's dash's "find files" find files that I haven't used yet?

How can I pass command line arguments to a script through Dash? (14.04)

How to get Unity dash overlays maximized by default?

How do I remove only shopping searches?

How to open the Unity dash when hitting the top left corner of the screen?

Hidden files are shown in Dash

What is the difference between locate/whereis/which

Firefox doesn't open - how can I correct this?

How can I enable/disable Dash online results programmatically?

How to make Unity's Dash save the results filtering?

about:blank opens in Chromium when I type into the dash

How to change default "Categories" and "Sources" in Unity Dash?

How to edit gnome/unity menus without using Alacarte?

Is there an easier or more 'correct' way to open gedit as root?

NVIDIA driver doesn't install correctly

Super key does not open dash on 16.04

Remove the shortcut of an application that was installed using Wine from the Unity Dash