How to edit gnome/unity menus without using Alacarte?

Alacarte crashes every time I attempt to edit a submenu or move an item from one submenu to another and then I'd have to wipe the files or my gnomeshell desktop would be useless. Is there a way to organize my main menu and unity dash applications subcategories without using Alacarte? I've got so many items installed in the wrong category and I'd also like to remove a ton of zombie icons.

GUI way

You might want to try Menulibre, a new alternative to Alacarte. You can install it via:

sudo apt-get install menulibre

Manual way

Application launchers are located in these three folders:


(your user only)


(all users)

By modifying the .desktop files found in these folders you can edit menu entries directly. Modifications in user-wide folders will require root access:

gksudo nautilus /usr/local/share/applications

Drag and drop .desktop files into a text editor like gedit to edit their contents. If root access is required, use:

gksudo gedit

Delete the files to remove their corresponding menu/dash entries.

Important Caveat: Changes introduced to default – i.e. user-wide – .desktop files might get reverted on the next system update.

To add to the answer above, the .desktop files may also be located in


Another alternative menu editor is ezame which I have used and works quite well. You can install it by running the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caldas-lopes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ezame

The source code is available on GitHub.