design a stack such that getMinimum( ) should be O(1)

This is an interview question.

You need to design a stack which holds an integer value such that getMinimum() function should return the minimum element in the stack.

For example:

case #1

5 ← TOP

When getMinimum() is called it should return 1, which is the minimum element in the stack.

case #2


Note: Both 5 and 1 are popped out of the stack. So after this, the stack looks like

4 ← TOP

When getMinimum() is called it should return 2 which is the minimum in the stack.


  1. getMinimum should return the minimum value in O(1)
  2. Space constraint also has to be considered while designing it and if you use extra space, it should be of constant space.

Solution 1:

EDIT: This fails the "constant space" constraint - it basically doubles the space required. I very much doubt that there's a solution which doesn't do that though, without wrecking the runtime complexity somewhere (e.g. making push/pop O(n)). Note that this doesn't change the complexity of the space required, e.g. if you've got a stack with O(n) space requirements, this will still be O(n) just with a different constant factor.

Non-constant-space solution

Keep a "duplicate" stack of "minimum of all values lower in the stack". When you pop the main stack, pop the min stack too. When you push the main stack, push either the new element or the current min, whichever is lower. getMinimum() is then implemented as just minStack.peek().

So using your example, we'd have:

Real stack        Min stack

5  --> TOP        1
1                 1
4                 2
6                 2
2                 2

After popping twice you get:

Real stack        Min stack

4                 2
6                 2
2                 2

Please let me know if this isn't enough information. It's simple when you grok it, but it might take a bit of head-scratching at first :)

(The downside of course is that it doubles the space requirement. Execution time doesn't suffer significantly though - i.e. it's still the same complexity.)

EDIT: There's a variation which is slightly more fiddly, but has better space in general. We still have the min stack, but we only pop from it when the value we pop from the main stack is equal to the one on the min stack. We only push to the min stack when the value being pushed onto the main stack is less than or equal to the current min value. This allows duplicate min values. getMinimum() is still just a peek operation. For example, taking the original version and pushing 1 again, we'd get:

Real stack        Min stack

1  --> TOP        1
5                 1
1                 2

Popping from the above pops from both stacks because 1 == 1, leaving:

Real stack        Min stack

5  --> TOP        1
1                 2

Popping again only pops from the main stack, because 5 > 1:

Real stack        Min stack

1                 1
4                 2

Popping again pops both stacks because 1 == 1:

Real stack        Min stack

4                 2

This ends up with the same worst case space complexity (double the original stack) but much better space usage if we rarely get a "new minimum or equal".

EDIT: Here's an implementation of Pete's evil scheme. I haven't tested it thoroughly, but I think it's okay :)

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class FastMinStack<T>
    private readonly Stack<T> stack = new Stack<T>();
    // Could pass this in to the constructor
    private readonly IComparer<T> comparer = Comparer<T>.Default;

    private T currentMin;

    public T Minimum
        get { return currentMin; }

    public void Push(T element)
        if (stack.Count == 0 ||
            comparer.Compare(element, currentMin) <= 0)
            currentMin = element;

    public T Pop()
        T ret = stack.Pop();
        if (comparer.Compare(ret, currentMin) == 0)
            currentMin = stack.Pop();
        return ret;

Solution 2:

Add a field to hold the minimum value and update it during Pop() and Push(). That way getMinimum() will be O(1), but Pop() and Push() will have to do a little more work.

If minimum value is popped, Pop() will be O(n), otherwise they will still both be O(1). When resizing Push() becomes O(n) as per the Stack implementation.

Here's a quick implementation

public sealed class MinStack {
    private int MinimumValue;
    private readonly Stack<int> Stack = new Stack<int>();

    public int GetMinimum() {
        if (IsEmpty) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty");
        return MinimumValue;

    public int Pop() {
        var value = Stack.Pop();
        if (value == MinimumValue) {
            MinimumValue = Stack.Min();
        return value;

    public void Push(int value) {
        if (IsEmpty || value < MinimumValue) {
            MinimumValue = value;

    private bool IsEmpty { get { return Stack.Count() == 0; } }

Solution 3:

public class StackWithMin {
    int min;
    int size;
    int[] data = new int[1024];

    public void push ( int val ) {
        if ( size == 0 ) {
            data[size] = val;
            min = val;
        } else if ( val < min) {
            data[size] = 2 * val - min;
            min = val;

            assert (data[size] < min); 
        } else {
            data[size] = val;


        // check size and grow array

    public int getMin () {
        return min;

    public int pop () {

        int val = data[size];

        if ( ( size > 0 ) && ( val < min ) ) {
            int prevMin = min;
            min += min - val;
            return prevMin;
        } else {
            return val;

    public boolean isEmpty () {
        return size == 0;

    public static void main (String...args) {
        StackWithMin stack = new StackWithMin();

        for ( String arg: args ) 
            stack.push( Integer.parseInt( arg ) );

        while ( ! stack.isEmpty() ) {
            int min = stack.getMin();
            int val = stack.pop();

            System.out.println( val + " " + min );



It stores the current minimum explicitly, and if the minimum changes, instead of pushing the value, it pushes a value the same difference the other side of the new minimum ( if min = 7 and you push 5, it pushes 3 instead ( 5-|7-5| = 3) and sets min to 5; if you then pop 3 when min is 5 it sees that the popped value is less than min, so reverses the procedure to get 7 for the new min, then returns the previous min). As any value which doesn't cause a change the current minimum is greater than the current minimum, you have something that can be used to differentiate between values which change the minimum and ones which don't.

In languages which use fixed size integers, you're borrowing a bit of space from the representation of the values, so it may underflow and the assert will fail. But otherwise, it's constant extra space and all operations are still O(1).

Stacks which are based instead on linked lists have other places you can borrow a bit from, for example in C the least significant bit of the next pointer, or in Java the type of the objects in the linked list. For Java this does mean there's more space used compared to a contiguous stack, as you have the object overhead per link:

public class LinkedStackWithMin {
    private static class Link {
        final int value;
        final Link next;

        Link ( int value, Link next ) {
            this.value = value;
   = next;

        int pop ( LinkedStackWithMin stack ) {
   = next;
            return value;

    private static class MinLink extends Link {
        MinLink ( int value, Link next ) {
            super( value, next );

        int pop ( LinkedStackWithMin stack ) {
   = next;
            int prevMin = stack.min;
            stack.min = value;
            return prevMin;

    Link top;
    int min;

    public LinkedStackWithMin () {

    public void push ( int val ) {
        if ( ( top == null ) || ( val < min ) ) {
            top = new MinLink(min, top);
            min = val;
        } else {
            top = new Link(val, top);

    public int pop () {
        return top.pop(this);

    public int getMin () {
        return min;

    public boolean isEmpty () {
        return top == null;

In C, the overhead isn't there, and you can borrow the lsb of the next pointer:

typedef struct _stack_link stack_with_min;

typedef struct _stack_link stack_link;

struct _stack_link {
    size_t  next;
    int     value;

stack_link* get_next ( stack_link* link ) 
    return ( stack_link * )( link -> next & ~ ( size_t ) 1 );

bool is_min ( stack_link* link )
    return ( link -> next & 1 ) ! = 0;

void push ( stack_with_min* stack, int value )
    stack_link *link = malloc ( sizeof( stack_link ) );

    link -> next = ( size_t ) stack -> next;

    if ( (stack -> next == 0) || ( value == stack -> value ) ) {
        link -> value = stack -> value;
        link -> next |= 1; // mark as min
    } else {
        link -> value = value;

    stack -> next = link;


However, none of these are truly O(1). They don't require any more space in practice, because they exploit holes in the representations of numbers, objects or pointers in these languages. But a theoretical machine which used a more compact representation would require an extra bit to be added to that representation in each case.

Solution 4:

I found a solution that satisfies all the constraints mentioned (constant time operations) and constant extra space.

The idea is to store the difference between min value and the input number, and update the min value if it is no longer the minimum.

The code is as follows:

public class MinStack {
    long min;
    Stack<Long> stack;

    public MinStack(){
        stack = new Stack<>();

    public void push(int x) {
        if (stack.isEmpty()) {
            min = x;
        } else {
            stack.push(x - min); //Could be negative if min value needs to change
            if (x < min) min = x;

    public int pop() {
        if (stack.isEmpty()) return;

        long pop = stack.pop();

        if (pop < 0) {
            long ret = min
            min = min - pop; //If negative, increase the min value
            return (int)ret;
        return (int)(pop + min);


    public int top() {
        long top = stack.peek();
        if (top < 0) {
            return (int)min;
        } else {
           return (int)(top + min);

    public int getMin() {
        return (int)min;

Credit goes to: