Super key does not open dash on 16.04

Basically I have a duplicate issue of this guy: Super key not working

ALT+F2 opens the "Run a command" shortcut, ALT by itself opens the HUD, but I cannot use any shortcut to open the Dash, which is making Unity very frustrating to use. I can't seem to find a keyboard shortcut setting for it. I can bind other actions to Super and they work as expected, but I don't see any setting to let me use Super to open the Dash...

I had the same issue on 16.04.

I used this command to enable Super key for opening the Unity launcher and it worked for me

dconf write /org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/show-launcher "'Enabled'"

I had the same problem and this worked for me in 16.04

Install compizconfig-settings-manager and dconf-editor.

Open dconf-editor: navigate to org > compiz > unity > profiles > plugins > unityshell and change the value of key show-launcher to <Super>.