How to change monitor position/navigation?

Ive hooked up an external monitor to my netbook. On my desk the external monitor is placed to the left of my netbook. To navigate from the netbook monitor to the external monitor i have to move the mouse off to the right. I find this slightly disorienting. Is there a way to configure this so that i can just move my pointer to the left, towards the external monitor?

Solution 1:

I wasn't able to solve this one in 10.10 with gnome monitor manager. Have since upgraded and distro/wm hopped a bit so can't follow up on this. However I have discovered arandr which i now use for monitor management in the lighter wm's (LXDE and Awesome). Its in the repositories.

sudo apt-get install arandr

After installing, open your terminal and type arandr, then change the position of your devices according to your need.

Solution 2:

On Ubuntu 18.04 go to Settings->Devices->Displays.

In Display arrangement both your displays will be shown. Drag the secondary display to match your preferred setup (switch the two displays in your specific case).

Solution 3:

In KDE you can go to "System Settings"->Hardware->"Display and Monitor"->There you can configure everything related to orientation of picture and orientation between monitors.

Similar tool is in Gnome desktop environment under System.

Also, if you are using ATI proprietary drivers included tool amdcccle can be used to configure these settings.

That can also be done with xrand passing arguments, or through xorg-conf. For these, please look up respective man entries on what arguments should be passed.

Cannot say how that can be done using nVidia cards as i have never used those.

Solution 4:

I found that, after configuring 'Display & Monitors' lots of apps open in the auxiliary monitor, which isn't what I want. To change that, go to System Settings > Window Behaviour > Window Rules. For each app (it's only a few), I make a rule: 'New...'. With the app open, click 'Detect Window Properties' then click in the app's window: it fills in the properties automatically (neat!). In 'Size & Position' I set the Position to 'Remember' & 'Screen' I set to 'Remember' & '2'.