NVIDIA driver doesn't install correctly

The xorg-edgers PPA does not contain newer NVIDIA drivers anymore.
Additional drivers now are located in the Proprietary GPU Drivers PPA.

But you only need to add this PPA in case the drivers from the Ubuntu repositories do not work.
First remove NVIDIA software you already have installed and also remove the xorg-edgers PPA.

The most proper way to handle drivers installation is to perform this from a virtual console.
On login screen press Ctrl+Alt+F1 - enter your user name and password, then execute :

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge  
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*  
sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa  
sudo reboot  

After the restart install the stable NVIDIA drivers 352 from the official Ubuntu repositories.
On login screen press Ctrl+Alt+F1 - enter your user name and password, then execute :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-352
sudo reboot