New posts in unique-constraint

Unique Constraint vs Unique Index

Unique index or unique key?

SQL Unique constraint across multiple tables

Creating UNIQUE constraint on multiple columns in MySQL Workbench EER diagram

Grails domain class: unique constraint for multiple columns

Is there a way to enforce unique constraint on a property (field) other than the primary key in dynamodb

UNIQUE constraint failed: sqlite database : android

How do you validate uniqueness of a pair of ids in Ruby on Rails?

How can I create a SQL unique constraint based on 2 columns?

Allow null in unique column

SQL unique varchar case sensitivity question

A Queue that ensure uniqueness of the elements?

MySQL delete multiple rows in one query conditions unique to each row

Unique Key Violation in SQL Server - Is it safe to assume Error 2627?

MySQL: ALTER IGNORE TABLE gives "Integrity constraint violation"

IntegrityError duplicate key value violates unique constraint - django/postgres

PostgreSQL UNIQUE for JOINed table

Django Unique Together (with foreign keys)

Unique Constraint in Entity Framework Code First

How can I create a unique constraint on my column (SQL Server 2008 R2)?