New posts in uitabbar

iOS UITabBar : Remove top shadow gradient line

How can I change the text and icon colors for tabBarItems in iOS 7?

Set custom images to the UIBarButtonItem but it doesn't show any image

ios 11 UITabBar UITabBarItem positioning issue

Make custom button on Tab Bar rounded

How to get the height of the tabbar programmatically?

IOS 8 Tab Bar Item Background Colour

Setting the default tab when using storyboards

How do we create a bigger center UITabBar Item

What's the height of a UITabBar on iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, and iOS 11?

calculating height of UITabBar

Hiding the tabbar and removing the space

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?

How to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5

iOS 15 UITabBarController's tabBar background color turns black

How to change inactive icon/text color on tab bar?

UITabBar not showing selected item images in ios 7

Changing the background color of Tab Bar

UITabBar items jumping on back navigation on iOS 12.1

Detect when a tab bar item is pressed