UITabBar items jumping on back navigation on iOS 12.1

Solution 1:

In your UITabBarController, set isTranslucent = false

Solution 2:

Apple has now fixed that in iOS 12.1.1

Solution 3:

I guess it's Apple's bug But you can try this as a hot fix: just create a class for your tabBar with following code:

import UIKit

class FixedTabBar: UITabBar {

    var itemFrames = [CGRect]()
    var tabBarItems = [UIView]()

    override func layoutSubviews() {

        if itemFrames.isEmpty, let UITabBarButtonClass = NSClassFromString("UITabBarButton") as? NSObject.Type {
            tabBarItems = subviews.filter({$0.isKind(of: UITabBarButtonClass)})

        if !itemFrames.isEmpty, !tabBarItems.isEmpty, itemFrames.count == items?.count {
            tabBarItems.enumerated().forEach({$0.element.frame = itemFrames[$0.offset]})

Solution 4:

In my case (iOS 12.1.4), I found that this weird glitchy behaviour was triggered by modals being presented with the .modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen

After updating their presentationStyle to .overFullScreen, the glitch went away.

Solution 5:

Here's a solution that can handle rotation and tab bar items being added or removed:

class FixedTabBar: UITabBar {

    var buttonFrames: [CGRect] = []
    var size: CGSize = .zero

    override func layoutSubviews() {

        if UIDevice.current.systemVersion >= "12.1" {
            let buttons = subviews.filter {
                String(describing: type(of: $0)).hasSuffix("Button")
            if buttonFrames.count == buttons.count, size == bounds.size {
                zip(buttons, buttonFrames).forEach { $0.0.frame = $0.1 }
            } else {
                buttonFrames = buttons.map { $0.frame }
                size = bounds.size