New posts in ubuntu-10.04

Underscore being appended to mounted disk name after Ubuntu upgrade

Can you use variables when editing /etc/environment in ubuntu 10.04?

Direct connection between multiple clients on OpenVPN

Only serve requests to a specific domain?

Eclipse, change popup text background color when hovering the mouse on a keyword

Change tooltip background in Ubuntu 10.10

How do I redirect the kernel console output on Ubuntu 10.04

Where is syslog.conf file on ubuntu 10

Problem after auto-mount ntfs drives using pysdm

Sendmail process failed with error code 67

How to increase max FD limit for a daemon process running under a headless user?

Rundeck 2.5.1 - No matched nodes on locally executed job

Trouble getting latest version of Git

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - good enough to jump on it?

static web server: 32 or 64 bits?

CRON: Module is unknown

Is Webmin recommended for recent releases of Ubuntu? [closed]

Ubuntu auto-mounts NTFS drives in Read-Only Mode

Reinstall latest linux kernel on Ubuntu 10.04

Sidekiq jobs stuck in enqueue