How to increase max FD limit for a daemon process running under a headless user?

You can read/set the resource limits of a running process with prlimit(1), part of util-linux:

sudo prlimit --pid PID --nofile 8192:16384

The problem was in the launching script of daemon. It was using setuidgid to run the daemon under headless user.Looks like setuidgid will not install the resource limits which are set in limits.conf while changing user/group for the process. A daemon should take care of setting resource limits for itself via its launching scripts. By setting max FD limits for the current session in the launching script, the new limits got reflected for the daemon.This was done by inserting a ulimit -n line as below in the lauching script of daemon.

ulimit -n $NEW_MAX_LIMIT
exec setuidgid userxyz /pat/to/