New posts in types

Haskell Convert Integer to Int?

How to define a new type in TypeScript

Laravel migration array type (store array in database column)

Why does MSVC pick a long long as the type for -2147483648?

Type Constraints in Data Declaration Haskell

Is it possible to use a primitive type (int) in as a generic type in Java?

Is there a way to create a data type that only accepts a range of values?

How to check if an object is not an array?

Difference between long and int in C#?

Difference between long and int data types [duplicate]

What is the purpose of long, double, byte, char in Java?

c++ convert from LPCTSTR to const char *

How does Javascript know what type a variable is?

Referring to the type of an inner class in Scala

C++ type of enclosing class in static member function

What instantiate-able types implementing IQueryable<T> are available in .Net 4.0?

Why does `mypy --strict` not throw an error in this simple code?

is it ok to specialize std::numeric_limits<T> for user-defined number-like classes?

Why IEEE754 single-precision float has only 7 digit precision?

In Cocoa do you prefer NSInteger or int, and why?