Referring to the type of an inner class in Scala

I suppose the type Inner is like the type this.Inner. Outer#Inner is independent of the outer instance (not a path-dependent type).

abstract class Outer {
  sealed class Inner {
    def enclosing = Outer.this
  def useInner(x:Outer#Inner) : Boolean

def toBoolean(x:Outer#Inner) : Boolean = x.enclosing.useInner(x)

The problem is as you describe, that useInner is expecting an Inner of a specific Outer instance. Since enclosing returns a generic Outer, there is really no way to tie both together that I know of.

You can force it, however:

def toBoolean(x: Outer#Inner): Boolean = {
  val outer = x.enclosing

You can also define your member like this:

def useInner(x:Outer#Inner) : Boolean

Or you can write like this:

abstract class Outer {
    class InnerImpl {
        def enclosing = Outer.this
    final type Inner = Outer#InnerImpl
    def useInner(x:Inner) : Boolean