New posts in language-features

Hidden Features of F#

Python intern for non-strings

What is the purpose of long, double, byte, char in Java?

Methods in Ruby: objects or not?

Equivalent of Class Loaders in .NET

Why isn't there an endianness modifier in C++ like there is for signedness?

Python type() or __class__, == or is

Javascript as a functional language

Problem understanding C# type inference as described in the language specification

What's the difference between a hash and hash reference in Perl?

Why does Java permit escaped unicode characters in the source code?

Will a future version of .NET support tuples in C#?

What is a maximum number of arguments in a Python function?

Python: How to pass more than one argument to the property getter?

What are C macros useful for?

Best javascript syntactic sugar

Why isn't the eigenclass equivalent to self.class, when it looks so similar?

Samples of Scala and Java code where Scala code looks simpler/has fewer lines?

What unique features does Firebug have that are not built-in to Firefox?

Is it possible to replace a Python function/method decorator at runtime?